* Originally published in June 2020
Do you HATE pain from wearing high heels? While in a sense, your feet hurting from wearing these is inevitable, who says you have to deal with it?
So how can you manage any pain you may feel from them? Let’s chat.
4 Tips That Make Rocking Those Buff Heels Easier
1 Do the “shoe-heels-shoe” rule

Use the shoe-heels-shoe rule. Credits: Giphy, British Vogue
In the past, I’ve made the mistake of wearing my high heels all day. Save yourself some pain and don’t make this mistake.
Do the “shoe-heels-shoe” rule: wear comfy shoes to your destination, your heels in the destination, and back to comfy shoes leaving
Limit the time you wear high heels by only wearing them when you actually need to wear them.
2 Give yourself a foot massage

You can do this at home or from a pro. Credit: Giphy
When you get home, give your feet a clean (to remove all that road dust etc) with what I do sometimes- apply some Aloe on cotton pads and gently wipe down your feet.
Then, massage them gently for a minute or two with some Eucalyptus-containing Lotion.
The Eucalyptus warms up your feet, encouraging Vasodilation (the opening up of blood vessels which brings more blood into muscle cells).
P.S: If you don’t like the smell of Eucalyptus, use a heat pack instead.
Clean your feet the easy way with Aloe + cotton pads, then massage them with Eucalyptus-containing cream
3 Remove any hard skin

Your feet can develop some hard skin, aka Callus, over time from wearing shoes generally. Why? See this⬇️:

Don’t be tempted to leave callus alone- the thicker it gets, the more painful it becomes (no joke).
Remove any hard skin your feet may have by GENTLY filing it down either with an Emery nail file or a Pumice stone.
4 Try Kitten/2 inch heels

Kitten heels have a heel height of approximately 1-2 inches (2-5 cm). Because of this, less pressure is placed onto certain parts of your feet, resulting in:
- You feeling less pain
- (Smaller chances of) you tripping over since a kitten heel is not that high
To sum up the hacks:
- Try the shoe-heel-shoe rule
- Massage your feet
- Get rid of any hard skin
- Try kitten/2 inch heels
So we’ve delved into some the mysteries surrounding how to manage the likelihood of feeling pain when wearing a fabulous pair of high heels. And the beauty of these tips is that they apply to any high heel you own. Yay!😄
Happy feet, makes life sweet
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Feture image credit: Maciej Miloch