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I started this blog in May 2020 because I realised just how important having healthy feet is for ALL people, wherever they are in the world and whatever your age . From the experiences I’ve gained when treating people as Podiatrist, I realised that sometimes, not knowing why certain conditions occur, or just generally the best ways to take care of the feet can sometimes be very costly. Also, I feel like not a lot of people know just how important it is to take care of their feet, because they are just as important as taking good care of the rest of the body That’s why I made this blog- to educate people like you so that you are empowered to make better choices for your health and wellbeing. And the beauty of this blog is that I don’t just limit it to “health conditions” etc- there is information on things related to Fitness and Nutrition too, with a mix of some good old laughs as well. Would you consider kindly donating to The Foot Geek? Any donation you make will go towards upgrading and promoting the blog. Thank you.